get involved

There are so many ways to support community fridges in Toronto. Whether you can spare 15 minutes a week or 15 hours, there's something important for you to do.

How can I support CFTO?

cleaning & check-ins

This is an essential part of keeping CFTO locations clean and safe. Neighbours check on locations twice a day, cleaning surfaces, checking expiry dates, and removing prohibited items. When you sign up below, we’ll email you a link to the Google spreadsheet, where you can sign up for check-in shifts. Go once a month, or once a day—it’s up to you!

Table at a Farmers’ market

CFTO representatives table at events like farmers’ markets and fairs to collect food donations and help spread the word about CFTO.

food distribution

CFTO helps to set up and maintain fridge locations so neighbours can share groceries with each other. However, sometimes businesses or community members have food to share, but no way to transport it. If you have a car, truck, or cargo bike, you can transport groceries to CFTO locations.

Create art or design graphics

Are you artistic? We’re always in need of art and graphics fort social media posts, newsletters, print brochures, stickers, website, and more.

reach out to the community

Draft emails to local business owners, schools, and community groups to ask for donations or support. Write copy for flyers or brochures. Share information about food drives and fundraising initiatives. This is a great way to volunteer remotely.

help build and maintain sheds

CFTO locations see very high traffic, and are prone to regular wear and tear. If you’re handy, you can help fix sheds when needed, spruce up fading paint, or even build a new location.

Sign up

If you’re able to help and want to help, in whatever capacity, we’re interested!

Please fill out the form below. Once it’s complete, we’ll reach out via email with an invitation to our Slack channel and a link to sign up for fridge check-in shifts.